
  John Ruskin是英国维多利亚时代的艺术家、诗人、建筑师、思想家,还扶持培养了一批年轻艺术家,不过成为社会新闻的却是他与Effie Gray的婚姻,两人结婚6年之后Effie要求中止婚姻,理由是两人“从未真正成为夫妻”,这桩官司成为一时谈资。John Ruskin承认两人从没上过床,但为自己辩护说妻子的“某种状况”破坏了他的激情。Effie Gray离婚后,嫁给了受John Ruskin重视提拔的画家John Everett Millais。据艾玛·汤普森说,这部新片将从两人的新婚之夜开始,通过John Ruskin的经历和性格来解开这个谜团。
  Dakota Fanning replacing Saoirse Ronan in Emma Thompson's 'Effie'
  August 16
  Source: Deadline
  Just last November, one Casting Tidbits update revealed The Lovely Bones star Saoirse Ronan landed the title role in Effie, a biopic about Effie Gray, the wife of English art critic John Ruskin, who became entangled in a famous Victorian love triangle. Now Deadline reports Dakota Fanning will star in the period drama from writer/actres****a Thompson which chronicles the strange romance, or lack thereof, between Gray and Ruskin. Despite her beauty, Ruskin was said to be disgusted with Gray's body, did not consummate the marriage and annulled it, allowing her to marry Ruskin's protégé John Everett Millais.Though Orlando Bloom was once attached to play Millais, apparently Tom Sturridge (Pirate Radio) has stepped into the role. In addition, Thompson will also star in the film as Lady Eastlake, who takes Effie under her wing when it becomes clear the union was destroying the young woman. Her husbandGreg Wise (Johnny English) will play Ruskin while Julie Walters (Harry Potter franchise) and Derek Jacobi (The King's Speech) will play his parents. Finally, Edward Fox (Gandhi) is in talks to play Eastlake's husband Sir Charles a man who was not only fed up with Ruskin and his radical ideas, but also the main patron of the Royal Academy which held sway over what constituted fine art.
  Richard Laxton (An Englishman in New York) is directing the film which begins shooting in Scotland on October 17th with shooting to follow in London and Venice as well. The cast has been shuffled on this project for awhile with Carey Mulligan once attached to the title role as well, but a copyright infringement claim held up the film, which resulted in scheduling conflicts for the previously attached cast members. Producer Don Rosenfeld says, "It’****a Thompson’s first original script after doing several fine adaptations, and it gets to the heart of Victorian England." Though this sounds a bit more along the lines of her work on Sense and Sensibility as opposed to Nanny McPhee, her work on the page should make for a great British drama down the road.


  • 常诗文 2小时前 :


  • 东青曼 6小时前 :


  • 戊圣杰 9小时前 :

    能看下去但趣味性也真的不大。好莱坞可能真的run out of topics,不断回顾自身,也很难说陷入的是自恋还是自省。妮可的脸虽然越发的僵,但还是很努力的投入了角色,最后在舞台上的一刹那失神确实是本剧最佳。but still,要靠这个拿了影后未免勉强了。

  • 丙刚豪 9小时前 :


  • 明雅 7小时前 :

    唱歌的巴登叔♪( ´▽`)嘿嘿还挺好听的。绝妙的西班牙口音爱死我了!

  • 婷曦 3小时前 :

  • 出思远 1小时前 :


  • 云斯伯 7小时前 :


  • 延元瑶 1小时前 :


  • 婧锦 2小时前 :

    omg传奇请二封 前一半乱七八糟的 剪辑请直接去世

  • 心琪 2小时前 :

    摄影机从影棚拉起,戏中人和戏外人赌注压反、纠缠继续。Aaron Sorkin的叙述技术从戏外打了一组映射,让观看也成了一种扮演。Nicole Kidman和所有演员给出的尬又不尬的年度最佳群戏。

  • 念友瑶 3小时前 :

    A good show,but…少打点针吧蔡明姐

  • 千如冬 0小时前 :

    事先由标题发散设想了太多,导致主线令我有点措手不及。男主和kid唯一让我感受到这两个角色真的有连系着的时候就是kid被一把推到铺着白布的床上的那个动作与反应。Oscar Isaac真的好爹地哦🥺头发有点散下来的时候更香香🤤

  • 恭星光 0小时前 :

    又是一部那种文本上很丰富,但从观影体验上挺没劲的电影。从Nicole角度,爱情、家庭、事业都不可或缺,而各个层面引发的麻烦与互相纠葛又与政治与时代相交错。而这一切在男人那里则有不同的涵义和解法。在某一阶段,两人曾因这些而受益甚至互相成就,但在某一时刻,这一切终于难以为继。当Casi说出那句I'm home,lucille对爱情,家庭,事业的远愿景都结束了。WYT

  • 弘春蕾 4小时前 :

    Aaron Sorkin这部算是在尝试自己不熟悉的题材类型,但看起来始终未找到适合的创作切入点/表达重点,人物、结构甚至自己拿手的对白都显得呆板…… Kidman和Javier Bardem全程出戏,演得刻意,还不如不用口音;Bardem西班牙人演南美人总是不可信,始终有股欧洲味。

  • 千如冬 2小时前 :


  • 宗政秋阳 2小时前 :

    的确挺索金,but not in a good way… 随便看看还行。不过妮可的脸…如果不是通过数码修改而是真的拉皮到这种程度,看着还是挺不适应的

  • 庞云水 1小时前 :

    通共也比背叛婚姻强英国人 (the Game, TTSS) 都懂索金怎么搞不懂 and I’m not convinced by a man’s telephone call who would perjure himself in a hearing.

  • 御问寒 2小时前 :

    Can someone tell Aaron Sorkin to stop making movies? And if Nicole Kidman wins her second Oscar for this film, it will be the joke of her career. I'm glad she didn't put on an imitation show, but I couldn't see any Lucille Ball.

  • 姿桂 4小时前 :



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