沈穆谢云初免费观看 高清

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分类: 爱情片 1993

导演: Katie Aselton


The Freebie centers on Darren (Shepard) and Annie (Aselton), a young married couple with an enviable relationship built on love trust and communication. Darren and Annie still enjoy each other’s company and laugh at each other’s jokes, but, unfortunately, they can’t remember the last time they had sex. When a dinner party conversation leads to an honest discussion about the state of their love life, and when a sexy bikini photo shoot leads to crossword puzzles instead of sex, they begin to flirt with a way to spice things up. The deal: one night of freedom, no strings attached, no questions asked. Could a freebie be the cure for their ailing sex life? And will they go through with it? With a keen eye and fresh take, Aselton’s directorial debut shines with crisp storytelling and fine-tuned performances. THE Freebie is an insightful and humorous look at love, sustaining relationships , and the awkwardness of monogamy when the haze of lust has faded.


  • 骑曼安 6小时前 :


  • 福昕月 8小时前 :


  • 瓮慈心 4小时前 :


  • 邢庆雪 7小时前 :

    Sadly Ben Platt is too mature and too famous for this role and this pathetic story is absolutely ruined by the Platt Family

  • 铎依瑶 0小时前 :

    Why is it so humid here? Why are my cheeks moist? Oh they’re tears

  • 赖文乐 6小时前 :

    conner替埃文死了一次 换来一次新生 很治愈

  • 鹏运 3小时前 :

    远不如剧版,可能因为抱了太大期待其实还蛮失望的。抛开剧情故事本身的争议,改编成电影后的冲击力被削弱太多了。不过可能我的Ben Platt滤镜太厚,倒没觉得他演的高中生有什么问题。Broadway什么时候回来我太想再看音乐剧了!

  • 沙尔容 1小时前 :

    虽然但是,you will be found一出来真的哭爆哇呜呜呜呜

  • 轩喆 7小时前 :


  • 绳嘉熙 2小时前 :

    But keep going.

  • 答杏儿 1小时前 :

    一听到alana问 你吃的是什么药 立马就破防了

  • 材晨 4小时前 :


  • 衡叶彤 9小时前 :

    还有一处是Evan演讲那段。当你需要朋友来拉你一把的时候,你会被找到的。这句话也非常让我感动。毕业后感觉大家都要各奔东西,不知道什么时候才能再见。让我有种独自在这个地方生活的感觉。已经开始有孤独感了。但是,you will be found; I will be found; I can find someone

  • 鸿初 4小时前 :

    也没有那么不堪 歌还是好听的故事还是完整的 但对比起剧场版就显得尤其无味惹 可惜哇可惜!

  • 阙新之 0小时前 :


  • 羊小凝 4小时前 :


  • 雨婷 3小时前 :


  • 章问玉 0小时前 :


  • 郏子薇 8小时前 :

    em...Ben Platt的脸怎么看起来像是填充了啥...背景不能改改吗?一点都不高中生 而且感觉舞台版的表演对他影响太大了 表情收不住

  • 革思聪 3小时前 :



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